Dry Eye Treatments

Dry Eye Treatments

Dry Eye Treatments

Dry Eye Treatments

LUBRICATING EYE DROPS: for itching, irritation, redness. Always start with preservative free drops as additional chemicals may cause more irritations. Depending on the type of dryness, evaporative dry eye, tear film insufficiency or both, your eye care professional will recommend drops that will temporarily relieve your symptoms.

OINTMENTS: prescribed or otc ointments may be suggested for overnight treatment of inflammation and symptoms. Applying ointment: wash hands thoroughly, apply a half inch strip of ointment to your finger or a Q-tip. Then roll the ointment inside your lower lid before you’re ready to go to sleep. Caution, ointments will blur your vision, therefore, do not use when driving or performing other important visual activities.

LID HYGIENE: Ideal method would be to apply a warm compress, heat, to the lids for a few minutes, massage the lids toward the lashes, then scrub the edges of the lids. Warm compress – a heat pack that will cover the surface of concern, the lids, completely and retains heat for an extend period of time. Also see types of warm compresses.

OMEGA 3: Ideal daily intake is 1000mg, this is serves as an antiinflammatory for the meibomian glands, tear ducts.

  • Seeds : flaxseeds and chia seeds can be mixed in milkshakes, yogurt orcereal
  • Capsules: omega 3 capsules, flaxseed oilcapsule, Krill oil capsules or fish oil capsules
  • Gummi’s: omega 3 gummi’s
RESTASIS: a twice a day drop that works on reducing inflammation of meibomian glands, tear ducts. This allows tears to be produced appropriately
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